Il palco di Sanremo, tra storia e design
Tra capolavori musicali e perle di cultura pop il Festival ha scandito l’evoluzione del costume italiano anche attraverso i suoi palchi e performance, di cui ripercorriamo storia e stile.
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Fabio Novembre Studio | Exhibitions
Fabio Novembre's official website. He has been working with leading Italian Design brands. His work has been published all over the world for its visionary approach.
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No-No for Noah Guitars | 2015 The bass guitar made by hollowing a single block of aluminium, created for longtime friend Saturnino Celani, echoes the form of the artist’s logo. The two holes offer a chance to eliminate any knobs, using the rotation of the inner ferrules for the volume and tone controls. The carbon fiber neck balances the weight and improves fingering action.
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Festival di Sanremo 2025 - Il medley di Jovanotti - Video - RaiPlay
Jovanotti canta "Il più grande spettacolo dopo il Big Bang", "I love you baby", "Fuori onda e "A te" a Sanremo 2025
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Saturnino diventa designer. Esordisce la collezione creata per gli amanti del basso 0:35
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